A Kinetic Model for our Ecosystem
- Made of Stainless Steel

Zusamengelegt Put together, the five parts form a model out of stainless steel for the big bang theory.
From this big bang stems the solar System with our Earth and its ecosystem.
Four parts of the sculpture symbolize the base elements - fire, earth, water and air - which are considered to be the primary matter of all things. All substances are composed of the mixture of these elements (Aristotle).
Kombinationsmöglichkeit Broken down into their individual parts, these four parts can be combined endlessly to create
figures - as in an ecosystem with its multifaceted connections and interrelations.
They symbolize creativity and spontaneity for investigations, for taking new paths and for connecting art and technology.
These four base elements formed the ecosystem and sensitively bear a polished stainless steel ball, which Stands as a symbol for our earth.
Im Verbund In combination, they show strength, an ability to accept loads and a possibility to cushion.
If the model is put in motion, it displays a certain ability to accept loads and simultaneously a possible destruction of our ecosystem.
  Andreas Rimkus

Exhibition "The ecosystem" in the steel mill Witten-Krefeld

Feuer, Wasser, Erde, Luft
deutsche version